Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Series Painting #6: In Progress

I begin yet again with a loose projected sketch.

  I add the darkest values first and emphasize important shapes in the face.
Next I paint in middle values and then highlights. I do this quickly and loosely.

I start painting in the body so that those shapes will inform my approach to the head and bring the figure together. I realize that the torso is a little too big compared to the source photo. 

I thin out the torso and reshape the head accordingly. Layers of gel medium increase the saturation of paint in the face and allow me to smooth out details.  

I continue to add subjective color and focus on the shapes That make up the figure.
 With Wayne Thiebaud in mind, I thicken up the paint aground the figure a little more and it a colorful line around the edges of shadows. I will continue to refine this painting and clean up all edges. the white space surrounding the figure will be thickened up drastically to match my previous entries in the series.

Series Painting #5: In Progress

I start with the loose projected sketch.

I begin painting by putting down the shadow areas.

The darkest values are added And act as guidelines for future shapes in the face.

Middle values and highlights are put in quickly. The volume of hair surrounding the face is painted in, also very loosely.

I shift attention to painting in the lines that will connect this portion of the couch with that shown in my second painting for the series. This transgender woman will be sitting across from the man wearing the cowbell shirt. I measure the shapes for the couch accordingly and start painting in more of the figure's body.

At this point in the painting. I slow down and begin to really focus on fine-tuning the face for the best likeness. I add texture to the white background surrounding the figure and attempt to color match this half of the couch with the other half in my previous painting. More subjective color is added and I pay more attention to edges. I will continue to work on this painting, bringing out more detail in the arm tattoo and cleaning up the overall composition.